2.) COMPRESSION: the ears datwerepreviously above ground arenow immersedin theground with the rest of therabbits body, and the rabbit starts curling up until becoming like a ball or a bean shape. asuitable organ shape 3.) MATERIALIZE AND SPREAD: i thihnk this part is the most beautiful. in the final stage, the rabbit lends its being 2 girlworld, and it spreads out into many long, complex, strings that then weave together to form a mass of girlmtter that is OF COURSE,girlshaped the little guy keeps bringing outmore and more of those strange ropes,alternatively VAINS except they carry like amillionliquidsatonceamillion"energy"amillionofwhateveritis that makes us work!
girls ARE able to see into their rabbit pasts through dreams, it isn't a coincidence...!